Believers ADVANCING Believing LOVING Living GROWING Learning HUNGRY

As you know Dan and I raise our support monthly to do what we do.... through our church, Convergence Church in Fort Worth, TX, we sustain our family the best we can by monthly and one-time donations, each month.
It's good for us, as we really do lean on the Father as we serve the next generation and our call. We really are called full time to do what we do, but.... we can't do that without people linking arms and hearts with us to do so.
Thank you for journeying with us and being part of our extended family!
WHAT WE DO......We serve “the least of these” while amongst real and raw community. This season we will be traveling to Ghana, Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Argentina and Peru on unique mission trips to coach, disciple and challenge young adults to abandon worldly possessions and a traditional lifestyle in exchange for an understanding that it's not about any of us; it's about the Kingdom. We are dedicated to spreading the love of Jesus wherever we go, and discipling those who are on the journey with us.
Thank you for your amazing support and for partnering with us to build God's kingdom here on earth!
How to give.....
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
Grace and peace,
Ruanne Banse
Hearts Hope and Healing
RTF HHN Trainer
Senior Life Languages Communication Coach
Check out our website:
How to give.....
This link goes through Convergence Church
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
Grace and peace,
Ruanne Banse
Hearts Hope and Healing
RTF HHN Trainer
Senior Life Languages Communication Coach
Check out our website:
How to give.....
This link goes through Convergence Church
How to Survive the Hard Days by Kelly Thorne Gore Being in business or ministry can be HARD. And, some days are much harder than others. You know those days when technology seems to be working against you, you’re criticized, the client cancels, finances are really tight, or someone doesn’t see your heart. Yes, those days! It’s in those moments that the enemy starts planting seeds of doubt, worry, and fear. He wreaks havoc on our minds. I want to show you how to survive the hard days.
Through the last 17 years of ministry & business, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought, “Ugh! This is too hard. I want to quit. It would be easier to just get a “real” job or stay home with my kids.” But, I also know that on the other side of that ickiness is often a MAJOR breakthrough. Every single time, God uses those difficult moments to draw me closer to Him and prepare me for an even bigger assignment.
7 Things to Help You Survive the HARD days:
- Spend time with God. I have a lake near my home, so on a beautiful day, I love to go there with my Bible and journal. A go to scripture during these moments is, “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Philippians 4:7 MSG
- Reflect on how God has faithfully brought you through other hard days.
- Listen to worship music. My current FAVORITE is “On My Side” by Kim Walker-Smith. It’s one that you’ll want to listen to all day! You can find it here:
- Remind yourself of how God is using you! Keep an encouragement box filled with notes, cards, etc. from people whose lives have been changed because you said YES to God! On those hard days, pull it out and read through each note. Thank God for each person and what He did in their life.
- Create a gratitude list to celebrate all of God’s blessings in your life.
- Ask God to show you who you can encourage and bless that day. It’s amazing what happens when we take our eyes off our self and intentionally bless someone else.
- Remind yourself WHY you started. Go back to the vision God gave you and feel the excitement you had when He first revealed it. Create a vision board that you can reference often.
Discussion: Leave a comment below and share what keeps you motivated and working toward your goals on the really hard days. I asked this question on my Facebook Page and there were lots of great ideas. If you want other ideas, go here to check them out.
Fundraising is a part of our journey and ministry and is just like feeding orphans, preaching in churches, and visiting hospitals. We need both the financial support and prayer support from family, friends, and church partners and in turn we are needed to share the stories of what God is doing all over the world. Our donors send us out as ambassadors to nations. They send us out with the love and good news of the salvation and hope that is available in Jesus Christ. It's time we all change our thinking about fundraising. It's no longer about finding and getting the money to pay for airplane tickets. Fundraising is about connecting the entire Body of Christ to minister in every nation. We are responsible for proclaiming God's good works to those who are investing their prayers, time, and money in sending us out. We are building a network of people who are doing ministry with us and with our ministry partners. We ask people to support us because we want to invite you to be a part of the ministry, a part of the journey. Fundraising is about the body of Christ joining together to see God's Kingdom come.
Merry Christmas precious friends!! Praying that you are having a beautiful glorious Christmas!! Thank you so much for your prayers and support! There is no way to thank you enough and tell you how important your prayers and support are to us. Your prayers and support have enabled us to love and help others with ministry for children and adults through inner healing, communication, pastoral training, coaching and mentoring and discipleship. We love you and cherish your friendship and pray that you have a beautiful week and a joy-filled New Year!!
How to give.....
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
Grace and peace,
Ruanne Banse
Hearts Hope and Healing
RTF HHN Trainer
Senior Life Languages Communication Coach
Check out our website:
How to give.....
This link goes through Convergence Church
May-October 2016
Hello precious ones, Thank you for your continued prayers!! We have definitely felt covered and loved! We have had a rough, heartbreaking season. The pain and grief we have endured has been exhausting and yet through it all, God has and still is empowering our hearts everyday to run to Him and to let Him hold us tight. We fall into Him and let go.
Today we will continue to let Him comfort us as we celebrate my brother, Ric, who died on August 3rd this year. After Ric's death, we stayed in the mission field and continued to serve and pour out as we planned and grieved from afar. We thank the Lord for good and faithful friend, Timm Chamberlain, without him, we could not have gotten through this. Timm has worked tirelessly to do all the leg work here as we planned together 1000's of miles apart.
I continue to stumble through my grief. Thankful to be surrounded by beautifully amazing people, like you, who pray for me and allow me to run to God and process through as I go. Today we celebrate a sweet, loving man whom I adored.
Dan and I are here for a little under 3 weeks. We have ministry about 1/2 that time and 3 family birthdays to celebrate. We hope to have a worship night at Scott' Peck's home in Ft Wt on Nov 4th and we will confirm that soon. We are also welcoming a new member to the family in January, a grand baby boy!
We will head back to Mozambique on November 11th or 12th and lead the HS25 team to Israel until mid January. We are back for 1 week in January and then fly to Thailand for debriefing with our World Race team.
I celebrate my brother today and am appreciative for all he contributed to my life.
I am thankful that the Lord placed him in my life and I am thinking of the things he did and said that made me smile. Also, pausing now to reflect on something that I appreciate about you and all my precious family and friends. Please continue to pray for us. We need you!! Much Love, Ruanne and Dan
How to give.....
This link goes through Convergence Church
or mail a check to:
Dan and Ruanne Banse
c/o Convergence Church
5745 James Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76134
[email protected]
January- May 2016
Hello dear ones!!
Dan and I want to thank you so much for standing with us in fervent prayer and financial support. We can continue moving forward in faith and with confidence knowing that the Lord has provided such a strong and committed support team to partner with us along this journey. Our success is your success. The impact that we are making is the impact that you are making because we are doing this together. Below are a few of our upcoming events that we wanted you to know about. As usual, please pray for us and support these opportunities as you are led by the Spirit. With love and thanks, Dan and Ruanne
We feel like this year is racing by, do you feel the same? We have just left Hendersonville after being there for 4 1/2 months, we have finished up this years inner healing training school for RTF. We were trained to be trainers earlier this year and for the past several months played the roles of interns/ trainers/ ministers, adapting to wherever we were needed. We can now take RTF and train it all over the world, including healing and deliverance seminars and ministry for one issue or many issues. Right now, we are back in DFW area for less than 24 hours and off again to Iowa to see Dan’s mom and family, a nephew and a cousin both graduating from HS. Please pray with us for Dan’s mom as she has dementia which has progressed and she has fallen a few times in the most recent past.
UPDATES on what’s “next” in a minute…….
First, I want to update you on something wonderful that God did earlier this year. Dan and I were asked to be coaches for the World Race!! World Race is a journey for 18-35 yr olds to 11 countries in 11 months to serve "the least of these" while amongst real and raw community. World Race (also Adventures in Missions) facilitates discipleship through the process of discovering the abundant life Jesus promises us by going to the poorest countries and experiencing love in a new way. They also births partnerships with ministries around the world requiring a Luke 10-like faith. Check it out at It has been such an honor to be asked and considered for this position. God is so amazing. He continues to sharpen us to lead and disciple people everywhere we go as He leads and disciples us. We are essentially doing the same thing we are for Iris (discipling, doing inner healing, leading and coaching) as we lead kids all over the world that will be experiencing poverty, community living in very bad conditions, lack of water and electricity, and lack of food. This is many times the first experiences without luxury that these kids experience. We go in to help them adapt in their Kingdom Journey. We love watching God, in His excellent wisdom and acceleration of Raising up the Bride of Christ as He aligns major ministries together hand in hand to ready us for His return.
We will be back in DFW for the last 2 weeks in June and will be having 2 worship/ prayer nights.
Both on Friday nights:
June 17th at 7pm at Scott Peck’s home at 2944 ^th Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76110
June 24th Don and Frankie Pugh’s home at 2507 Quail Glen Road, Carrollton, TX 75006
Both will have fun, food, fellowship, missions update and prayer and prophesy! Please pray about supporting God’s next mission for us as we have just booked our next airfare of $11,737 and still need to raise that amount. We appreciate any amount and we definitely appreciate your prayers!!
How to give.....
This link goes through Convergence Church
The “Next Thing”
We are headed back to Mozambique, Africa again at the end of June to minister to students and staff at Harvest School 24. Our IRIS Global base in Pemba with Rolland and Heidi Baker, is expecting close to 250 students, 40 staff and 300 Mozambican students who walk from all over Africa to attend with aspirations of being pastors and starting an Iris church in their area. Staff come to act as “house parents” help students from all over the world (usually 40 ish countries represented) through the transition to life in Africa and close quarters without normal luxuries. There is no air conditioning, no where to cool off at all, little water, electricity sometimes and a shortage of food at this time. Some will be showering from a bucket possibly for the first time. Getting used to the lack of “luxuries” for some is a real challenge, as is living and in a small 600 sq ft/ or less space with 12 to 14 other international & Mozambican students.
The number of full time missionaries is down because of the past 2 years visa challenges among other things. We go to help coach, lead, heal, pray and relieve as much stress as possible by loving them through wherever they are going through at the time. Last school, Harvest School 23 in November and December, had so much witchcraft and demonic outbursts, much more than we had seen in the past. Those of you who are on Viber and Whats App will probably be sent additional prayers to cover us there as we really need prayers! …..would you be willing to being praying for us now even before we leave??
As you may have read, Mozambique has had some significant turmoil. Heavy rains have destroyed crops, there is also a major drought in the central and southern part of the country, so there is a food shortage in these areas now as well as in Pemba. There has also been a renewed rebel violence in Pemba earlier this year. In third world countries where poverty has been an issue for generations, Mozambique is experiencing widespread corruption in all levels of government, including visa challenges. (We just sent off for our visas yesterday and for a 90 day visa now the cost for me and Dan together is over $500 for 90 days. We need a great deal of prayer for God's direct intervention and some effective near term solutions to ease the suffering in Mozambique.
We go to be a part of the solution for staff and students and also for those long term missionaries who are giving their lives to make a difference in the futures of several hundred orphans in their care. Please join us in prayer for this nation.
Following Mozambique we are heading to Israel, leading a team of Harvest School students as we come along side believers in Israel and assist them in anyway they need.
We believe this is a special time, with more surprises to come and that the Lord is helping reshape our expectations and perspectives about the next season. We are really looking forward to all that he is doing thru this time. Thank you for your prayers.
I would love to connect with those of you who are in Texas when we get back. we would love to speak at your church or meet up with you. we’ll be back for the last 2 weeks of June and then back again in October. so please send us a message!
Bullet Point Happenings…..and what about you???
Our 1st Bootcamp for World Race will be in June! we are excited to grow and learn with them as we meet new friends and family!
We will be on the West Coast of Africa for World Race in September!
We will be back for the entire month of October in the Dallas Fort Worth area and would LOVE to catch up with you!! Let us know if you would like for us to come speak at your church or workplace. We are trainers for RTF Issue Focused Ministries, Through Format Ministries and Life Languages and would be happy to come teach and train with you or just sit down and have a meal. We want to stay connected and yet are often without internet.
We would love to connect with those of you who are in Texas when we get back. we would love to speak at your church or meet up with you. we’ll be back for the last 2 weeks of June and all of October this year. so please send us a message! Let us know how to pray for you as well.
Love and Bless you! Dan and Ruanne
September-October 2015
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)
Dear Family, and Friends,
It’s been a few months since our last newsletter! Here's an update on what's been happening and the awesome things God is doing in and around us…..… : )
• Training and team building with RTF and with Life Languages! We have been at it and excited to say we drove to North Carolina in September for an RTF conference and the Issue Focused Ministry Training and Healing and Deliverance Training. We got to see friends and family there! it was fun and BUSY!! Excited to say....we are now Certified Trainers for Healing and Deliverance Seminars and Issue Focused Seminars with RTF and also certified trainers with Kendall Life Languages. With these two tools together, we are ministering, mentoring and serving every person we come in contact with, and we’re seeing good fruit from both of these ministries!
- Driving back from NC, we stopped in Jackson, Mississippi to see our friends and family at We Will Go for several days to teach communication and living out their Life Languages there. Life Languages is a communication tool which enables you to learn more about yourself and others and give you tools for better communication. Here’s a link for more info and to take the profile if you would like There WILL be a charge at the end and the cost is $45.
- Meanwhile back in Texas, We have gotten a bit of time to see our kids and grandbabies! Cadence turned 10 in June!! We have had our brand new grandbaby girl Parker Anne (named after her RuRu) turned 1 year old on August 8th and have another grandbaby girl Corbyn turning one on November 7th this year!! SO PRECIOUS!!
- We have been ministering RTF non-stop and Heartsync too. Which is such a blessing for us!
- We had an amazing worship night at friend, Scott Peck’s house in Fort Worth and Rudy brought the worship BIG TIME!! Papa’s presence hit and all sorts of healing happened. A leg grew out about 1/4 of an inch, neck healed, back healed, knee and ankle healed….I think there was more but I will have to ask Dan in the morning. : ) Thank You Jesus that You care about us SO much!! What a cool Kingdom we live in. And what an amazing gospel we get to carry and represent here on earth.
- Dan is also best man in his best friend’s wedding this weekend and we are excited about going to the wedding and see this amazing couple come into covenant with each other and Papa God.
- We head off in 2ish weeks for our next adventure with God to Africa and Israel!! We are now in the process of getting plane tickets, visas, international drivers licenses, prescriptions for malaria meds, other important meds for precaution, just all the ins and outs of going out of the country. Please pray for Dan as he is fighting something right now, his eye was totally crusted over this morning.
- We are excited that our 1st stop is Amsterdam where we will be headed to see our son, Jeff and his wife, Beth and their 5yr old Jordan. We haven’t seen each other in over 1 1/2 years and it will be an exciting time catching up and be together in their home. We are laying over there for barely 3 days and then head to:
- Pemba, Mozambique in Africa where we will be teaching, speaking about Life Languages, doing some inner healing with the long term missionaries, HS staff and students, praying, watching God show's really non-stop!!. We also get to connect with old friends and new ones too....Nancy Economo and Candace Mishkin and Betsy, Kenny Elder, Jason Lee Jones, Ron Hicks, Khanh, Kelly and Gareth, Pamela and Tony Maxwell, Wendall and so many others who just "happen to be there the same time we are!! Hopefully nothing too crazy is happening right now, besides we are told there is no water at all!! We wanna connect with the missionaries. We really wanna serve and connect with people, all people....the ones who don't understand the hope and love of the Lord AND the ones who are so overwhelmed by the hope and joy of the Lord that they are completely filled with an awareness of his light, that the dark isn’t dark at all, like in 1 John 1.. we wanna be with those who dream ridiculous dreams with God and walk them out every day!. We find that in the places where no one knows Jesus, there are tremendous health needs and strongholds of physical suffering. Prayer gives us such a cool opportunity to minister the love and mercy of Jesus in a tangible way. And Jesus loves to come and heal His people!!
- After Harvest School, we leave for Israel December 9th- January 18th and we be there leading a team of Harvest Schoolers. It is quite violent and horrific in Israel right now so please please pray for us as we will be responsible for ourselves and a team. We plan to stay outside of Old Town Jerusalem right outside the Zion Gate. We will serve and love on people/ friends all around Israel. I’ll post more when we return.
- After Israel, we transition in a few days and drive to Hendersonville, NC where we will be training to be trainers for Through Format Ministry and then training in Module 3 with the trainees. We’ll be in NC through May sometime, unless God does something else with us.
- At times we’ve been so tired and discouraged in the work - and surprisingly homesick sometimes, especially in the late June, early July.- We cherish your prayers!!! and at the same time we thank God for the opportunity to be a point of contact for so many people that He loves and allows us to speak into. It’s so amazing that He sees us, knows us, and pursues our hearts as well as our freedom.
- Huge thanks to those of you who continue to partner with us in prayer and support. I especially appreciate the friends who have been available to talk and pray with. You know who you are! : )
With much love in Jesus, Dan and Ruanne
How to give.....
This link goes through Convergence Church
or mail a check to:
Dan and Ruanne Banse
c/o Convergence Church
5745 James Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76134
Thank You Jesus for going ahead of us and for being so faithful and generous! Thank You for allowing us to serve, love, teach and touch the hearts of the ones You love!

How to Survive the Hard Days Being in business or ministry can be HARD. And, some days are much harder than others. You know those days when technology seems to be working against you, you’re criticized, the client cancels, finances are really tight, or someone doesn’t see your heart. Yes, those days! It’s in those moments that the enemy starts planting seeds of doubt, worry, and fear. He wreaks havoc on our minds. I want to show you how to survive the hard days.
Through the last 17 years of ministry & business, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought, “Ugh! This is too hard. I want to quit. It would be easier to just get a “real” job or stay home with my kids.” But, I also know that on the other side of that ickiness is often a MAJOR breakthrough. Every single time, God uses those difficult moments to draw me closer to Him and prepare me for an even bigger assignment.
7 Things to Help You Survive the HARD days:
- Spend time with God. I have a lake near my home, so on a beautiful day, I love to go there with my Bible and journal. A go to scripture during these moments is, “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Philippians 4:7 MSG
- Reflect on how God has faithfully brought you through other hard days.
- Listen to worship music. My current FAVORITE is “On My Side” by Kim Walker-Smith. It’s one that you’ll want to listen to all day! You can find it here:
- Remind yourself of how God is using you! Keep an encouragement box filled with notes, cards, etc. from people whose lives have been changed because you said YES to God! On those hard days, pull it out and read through each note. Thank God for each person and what He did in their life.
- Create a gratitude list to celebrate all of God’s blessings in your life.
- Ask God to show you who you can encourage and bless that day. It’s amazing what happens when we take our eyes off our self and intentionally bless someone else.
- Remind yourself WHY you started. Go back to the vision God gave you and feel the excitement you had when He first revealed it. Create a vision board that you can reference often.
Discussion: Leave a comment below and share what keeps you motivated and working toward your goals on the really hard days. I asked this question on my Facebook Page and there were lots of great ideas. If you want other ideas, go here to check them out.
1 Corinthians 13 Love to al