Are you a prayer warrior?? we need you!!
Thank you for partnering with us in such a manner and for praying for us as we travel. If you say yes, here are the foundational and current prayer requests (in no specific order):
•For our personal health and well-being. This one is BIG!! That all of us would have divine health in body, soul, and spirit and that each of our bodies would be a sickness and disease free zone.
•That we would have divine appointments that would allow for relationships to develop across a broad spectrum (religious, business, governmental, etc.) so as to see a Kingdom Network developed to the advancement of the Kingdom of God in many different spheres of society.
•That we would have the Lord’s vision and His heart for the current generation and have His strength to obey His word, even if it breaks with the religious traditions of the church for obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22). Also pray that for these times we would be properly rooted in wisdom and love so we can be catalysts for what God wants to do in and through us.
•Divine strategies and opportunities to minister the vision and revelation God has given to us.
•Anything else the Lord brings to mind.
We will always be looking for feedback, as well as listening to what the Lord is saying through you. Thank you so much for prayerfully considering coming alongside us in this God adventure. Thank you for serving the Lord in such a manner.
Email us your prayer requests at [email protected] or [email protected]
Thank you for partnering with us in such a manner and for praying for us as we travel. If you say yes, here are the foundational and current prayer requests (in no specific order):
•For our personal health and well-being. This one is BIG!! That all of us would have divine health in body, soul, and spirit and that each of our bodies would be a sickness and disease free zone.
•That we would have divine appointments that would allow for relationships to develop across a broad spectrum (religious, business, governmental, etc.) so as to see a Kingdom Network developed to the advancement of the Kingdom of God in many different spheres of society.
•That we would have the Lord’s vision and His heart for the current generation and have His strength to obey His word, even if it breaks with the religious traditions of the church for obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22). Also pray that for these times we would be properly rooted in wisdom and love so we can be catalysts for what God wants to do in and through us.
•Divine strategies and opportunities to minister the vision and revelation God has given to us.
- • That we would have favor with God and with men.
- • That enough people would partner with us financially in order to meet our support goal.
•Anything else the Lord brings to mind.
We will always be looking for feedback, as well as listening to what the Lord is saying through you. Thank you so much for prayerfully considering coming alongside us in this God adventure. Thank you for serving the Lord in such a manner.
Email us your prayer requests at [email protected] or [email protected]